Suggested government actions to achieve universal health cover

  • Legislate to match state funding for cover of adults on incomes up to 1.5 times the federal poverty threshold
  • Allow small businesses and uninsured people to purchase cover through the Federal Employees Health Benefits programme
  • Require all businesses to either provide health benefits to all employees or contribute $1/hour of work towards cover under public programmes and require everyone to purchase cover
  • Extend Medicare programme to uninsured adults aged 55 to 64 and eliminate two year wait before disabled people are eligible
  • Revise Medicare's payment system to reward higher quality and greater efficiency, with savings used to expand coverage
  • Dedicate tax of 1% of income to financing expanded cover and use existing subsidies for low income charity care to finance expansion


  • Revise the children's health insurance programme to include adults on incomes up to 1.5 times the federal poverty threshold and children up to 3 times the threshold
  • Revise Medicaid's payment system to reward higher quality and greater efficiency, with savings used to expand cover